Anna Gillum

Integrative Therapist

Diploma in Integrative Counselling (MBACP)

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I am an integrative therapist and a registered member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy). I currently practice with NHS Talking Therapies Lambeth where I support a wide range of clients from diverse backgrounds. Apart from that, I work for the Kingston Women’s Centre and in private practice. I am also a qualified yoga and teen yoga teacher. I provide short-term, single-session and open-ended therapy in Clapham, Twickenham or online. I also offer walk & talk therapy in the Richmond area and therapeutic yoga.

ADHDAdjustment DisorderAging ConcernsAnger Management TherapyAnxietyAttachment TheoryBody Image IssuesBurnoutCancerChronic Pain or IllnessCodependencyContemplativeCultural CongruenceDepressionDivorceFamily CaregivingFamily ConflictHistorical TraumaImmigration/AcculturationInfertilityInterpersonalLoss or GriefMindfulness-basedObesityOCDParentingPersonal GrowthPostpartumPregnancy (Prenatal Mental Health)Premarital CounselingPsychodynamicPTSDRelationalRelationship / Marriage IssuesSelf-EsteemSensorimotorSocial PhobiaTraumaWomen’s Issues

Life can sometimes be overwhelming and may leave you feeling stuck or lost without hope. I will offer a warm, confidential space where you can talk openly and gain a better understanding of your concerns without the fear of being judged. I will help you explore ways of making life more manageable and support you in developing your own coping strategies. I strongly believe that, with the right support, everyone has the potential to become the best version of themselves. I work integratively which means that I will use a variety of approaches such as person-centred, psychodynamic, TA, ACT, IFS, mindfulness or CBT to tailor your sessions according to your needs. Apart from talking therapy, I also offer walk & talk and therapeutic yoga.

With my background as a yoga teacher, I believe in the body mind connection and have an interest in meditation, breath work and movement as a way of addressing mental health difficulties. I have experience in supporting clients that have faced issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, relationship problems, family issues, low self-esteem, life transitions, stress and those with long-term or chronic illnesses.