Matt Thomas

Adults and Young Persons Therapist

PG Diploma Humanistic Psychotherapeutic Counselling

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Hi, I'm Matt, a BACP registered Humanistic Therapist. I offer online sessions via Google Meets and also over the telephone. Sometimes we perhaps need someone to talk to who is not a friend or family member. I will provide a safe space to do this, and will help you understand things better. Therapy can be similiar to decluttering a messy cupboard. I believe our therapeutic relationship is important - you can expect me to be warm, honest and genuine. I believe everyone experiences the world uniquely and everything is valid. Issues around race, LGBTQ+ and discrimination are particularly important to me. I have worked successfully with clients with an autism diagnosis by listening and understanding, alongside offering practical advice for day to day issues. I offer an initial online session at no cost to you. After that I charge £50 per 50 minute session.

AbuseADHDAdjustment DisorderAdoption IssuesAging ConcernsAlcohol Abuse and Alcohol DependenceAnger Management TherapyAnxietyAspergersAttachment TheoryAutismBody Image IssuesBurnoutCareer CounselingChild or Adolescent IssuesCodependencyContemplativeCultural and Systemic OppressionCultural CongruenceDepressionDivorceDomestic AbuseDrug Dependence / Abuse / AddictionFamily CaregivingFamily ConflictFamily SystemsFeministGambling AddictionGender IdentityHistorical TraumaImmigration/AcculturationInsomniaInternet AddictionInterpersonalKleptomaniaLGBTQ IssuesLoss or GriefMen’s IssuesNonviolent CommunicationOCDPanicParentingPast Life RegressionPersonal GrowthPersonality DisordersPolitical ClimatePolyamorous and Open RelationshipsPremarital CounselingPsychological Testing and EvaluationPTSDRacial IdentityRelationalRelationship / Marriage IssuesSelf-EsteemSelf-HarmingSexual AddictionSexual ProblemsSocial PhobiaSuicidal IdeationTranspersonalTraumaVeterans/Military ServiceWomen’s Issues

I provide a non-judgemental space to talk things through with the aim of helping you to understand what is going on for you. I can also help you find practical solutions to help manage your life that may draw on existing strengths and resilience.

After qualifying from the University of Brighton, I completed an Advanced Level 5 Qualification in Counselling Children and Young People. I have previously worked for a South London Counselling Agency the NHS under Wandsworth Borough and volunteered at South London Young Persons Charity (Catch 22). Having worked in London for just under 3 years, I have worked with a broad variety of different people and issues. I am particularly interested in issues related to culture, LGBTQ and identity, and how these play out in the context of life in the UK. In my work with young people I have experience of working with issues such as self-harm, suicidal thoughts, discrimination and identity, family and relationship problems, disordered eating, substance misuse, problems at school and at home, anxiety and general sadness. I also have a qualification in Understanding Substance Misuse which is an area of interest for me. I can speak French as a second language. While I wouldn't say that I could conduct a session entirely in French, if you are a native French speaker with generally good English, who struggles occasionally my skill here should be helpful.