Francesca Liparoti

Registered Nutritional Therapist

Nutritional Therapy Dip. ION, mBANT, mCNHC

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I help women 35+ support their hormones and optimise their health so they can THRIVE through perimenopause and love life again! If you’re fed up with low energy, a foggy head, sleep issues, horrible PMS and bad periods, feeling irritable, gaining weight despite not doing anything differently, and just not feeling your best anymore, then book an exploratory call with me today and start your journey to flipping this all on it’s head!

NutritionWomen’s Issues

My approach is completely personalised, refreshing, down-to-earth, and realistic. Before we meet for an initial one to one consultation, I conduct a thorough review of the comprehensive health history, current case, food, and lifestyle intake form that you will complete and submit to me in advance of our session. From here we will meet in our initial session to discuss your case in more detail and I will provide you with insight and a roadmap of where the things we need to address in order to support your desired outcome.

I founded my private nutrition and lifestyle coaching practice in 2013 after qualifying as a Nutritional Therapist at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition. Prior to this, I had a 13 year career in corporate banking in London. I spent much of those 13 years feeling rubbish and unwell, with low energy, fatigue, low mood, headaches, dull skin, stubborn excess weight, digestive issues, and terrible PMS. Once I eventually started to address my nutrition and some lifestyle habits in my late 20s, I went from just about getting by day to day to thriving health and happiness. Now in my 40s I continue to thrive and get stronger, fitter, and healthier as I age!

Type of Therapy
  • Nutritional therapy
Client Type
Type of Session
Long Term (Face to Face)Online TherapyShort Term (Face to Face)