Polly watson

Polly Watson

BA in Counselling Studies; FD in psychodynamic counselling; MBACP

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My aim as a counsellor is to help facilitate you understand what is going on for you and potentially change that, if you decide you want to. Judgement is something I’m opposed to and work hard to provide a space where you can be open and honest with me. I believe that as a client you need to be able to feel understood and accepted for the person you are not just the person you think people want you to be, so I strive to provide that experience.

ADHDAnxietyAttachment TheoryDepressionDissociative Disorder (DD)DivorceFamily ConflictInterpersonalPanicParentingPsychodynamicRelationalRelationship / Marriage IssuesSelf-EsteemWomen’s Issues

My initial training was in psychodynamic counselling where we look at your history and try and find links to how those relationship patterns repeat in your current life. I also use aspects of solution focused therapy where we focus more on the future and what you want to achieve if you’re not ready to delve into your past. This is something we can discuss during the initial session.

I have experience in working with people with anxiety, low self- esteem, work and relationship problems, parental problems both in the past or present and trauma

Type of Therapy
  • Mindfulness
  • Psychodynamic Therapy
Client Type
Type of Session
Long Term (Face to Face)Online TherapyShort Term (Face to Face)SkypeTelephone

Wimbledon high street Clapham Junction