charlie sunda


BA Philosophy, MA Psychology, PGCE Dip Hyp CS -w/Distinction

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**Free initial consultations available** My name is Charlie and I am a successful therapist (qualifying with Distinction) with an MA in Psychology and a BA in Philosophy. I use counselling, CBT and hypnotherapy every day to help people fulfil their goals and I hope very much that you will be the next person to experience the effectiveness of talking therapy. My 10 years of experience have shown me the degree to which various talking therapies can help a person cope more effectively with a range of issues within their mind and enable them to restore a healthy inner balance.

AbuseADHDAdoption IssuesAnger Management TherapyAnxietyAspergersAutismBody Image IssuesBurnoutCareer CounselingChild or Adolescent IssuesCoachingCodependencyContemplativeCouples CounselingDepressionDivorceDomestic AbuseDrug Dependence / Abuse / AddictionEating DisorderFamily CaregivingFamily ConflictGambling AddictionHistorical TraumaInfertilityInsomniaKleptomaniaLoss or GriefMen’s IssuesMindfulness-basedNutritionObesityOCDODDPanicParentingPersonal GrowthPolitical ClimatePolyamorous and Open RelationshipsPremarital CounselingPTSDRelationship / Marriage IssuesSelf-HarmingSexual AddictionSexual ProblemsSpiritualityTraumaVeterans/Military Service

My goal, with regard to therapy, is simple: I am here to empower you through the facilitation of positive change within your life. My approach is friendly and open-minded but also very much focused on achieving the goals that you have specified.

After completing my MA is Psychology I was a teacher for a good few years and also ran a design business - those years and experiences have certainly proved helpful within my therapeutic practice as I see it as my job to empower my clients and to ensure that they exit therapy with the tools that they need to move forward in their chosen direction.