Jade Elizabeth

Hypnotherapy | NLP Practitioner | Mindset Coach

BA(Hons), GDL, DipHYP

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I am trained in Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Mindfulness & Mindset Coaching

AbuseADHDAdjustment DisorderAdoption IssuesAging ConcernsAlcohol Abuse and Alcohol DependenceAnger Management TherapyAnxietyAspergersAttachment TheoryBipolarBody Image IssuesBurnoutCancerCareer CounselingChild or Adolescent IssuesChronic Pain or IllnessCoachingCodependencyContemplativeCultural and Systemic OppressionCultural CongruenceDepressionDissociative Disorder (DD)DivorceDomestic AbuseDrug Dependence / Abuse / AddictionEating DisorderFamily ConflictFamily SystemsFeministGambling AddictionGender IdentityHistorical TraumaImmigration/AcculturationInsomniaIntellectual DisabilityInternet AddictionInterpersonalLearning DisorderLGBTQ IssuesLoss or GriefMedication ManagementMen’s IssuesMindfulness-basedNonviolent CommunicationObesityOCDPanicParentingPersonal GrowthPersonality DisordersPolyamorous and Open RelationshipsPostpartumPregnancy (Prenatal Mental Health)Premarital CounselingPTSDRelationalRelationship / Marriage IssuesSelf-EsteemSelf-HarmingSexual AbuseSexual AddictionSexual ProblemsSocial PhobiaSpiritualitySuicidal IdeationTranspersonalTraumaVeterans/Military ServiceWomen’s Issues

This solution focused technique works with the subconscious mind to reset and reprogram negative thinking and feeling patterns. The rapid transformational approach connects the client with their true self, whilst increasing self esteem, confidence and motivation. The result is the ability for the client to achieve their full potential.

I have worked in private practice for 5 years. I am a motivational speaker on self love and addiction recovery, and run Self Esteem Workshops throughout Sussex. I also specialise in anxiety related disorders and have several years experience in Mental Health and substance misuse. I have lived experience in self esteem issues, addiction, and childhood trauma, and now use this transformational approach to support others become who they are truly meant to be.